Become an Allies Intern

Life can be fraught with danger for orphaned children and teens who lack education and important life skills. Allies in Youth Development is committed to encouraging, empowering and adequately preparing them for life outside the orphanage – and we gladly invite young men and women to help us in our mission.


Apart from volunteer work, we provide opportunities to those who are interested in fulfilling their internship requirements in a meaningful and profound way.

As an Allies intern, you will be immersed in the day-to-day operations that enable the successful implementation of our programs and gain a deeper understanding of the complex challenges that threaten the lives of thousands of orphans around the world. You will also learn about our unique, Scripture-based approach to addressing their most pressing needs and issues, which include developmental hurdles and emotional trauma.


More importantly, you will build relationships with others

who share the same passion for and dedication to leading orphans down a safer, better path with God, away from the perils of substance abuse and human trafficking, which target the lost and most vulnerable.

When you intern with Allies, you will be helping us make a difference in the lives of so many deserving children and teens around the world, all of whom dream the same dream that you and other youth do – a bright and peaceful future.

Intern with Allies today.

Personal & Contact Information










Expected Graduation Date:

Emergency contact:

Emergency contact phone:

Emergency contact relationship:

List any languages other than English in which you are fluent:

Other Personal Info

What else would you like us to know about you? (200 character limit)

Intern Interest

How did you hear about AiYD?

What jobs/leadership roles have you held?

Please list any relevant intern experience:
Organization Activity / Role

Please list the skills and talents that you would like to use in a intern capacity:(400 character limit)  

We have lots of ways for you to get involved here in the U.S. and abroad! Please check any and all activities you would be interested in doing for Allies in Youth Development.

Do you have any ideas about new programming?

Please indicate the approximate number of hours you would like to commit: (Per week, month, or year)

Please indicate the days and times you are most available for intern activities: (Sunday - Saturday, Morning, Afternoon, Evening)

Other Comments or Questions: (200 character limit)

Just for Fun

What is your favorite color?

What is your favorite candy?

What is your favorite restaurant?

What is your favorite holiday?
