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Trip Information

Peru Adventure

November 1-11, 2024

Includes an excursion to the Sacred Valley and Machu Picchu. We partner with local organizations in Peru to give the children and youth the support and education they need to succeed.

Trip Fee: $3,500

Download Peru Trip Brochure


Chris Burgin

What is included in the trip fee:

  • Round Trip Airfare from DFW
  • In-country Airline Tickets
  • Major Transport and Transfers
  • Hotel Housing
  • Guided Excursions to Major Attractions
  • AiYD Programming Expenses
  • Medical / Trip Insurance
  • Translators
  • Most Meals

What is not included in the trip fee:

  • Spending / Souvenir Money


I'm back from serving orphans. Now what?


You can still hear their ringing giggles and their warm arms around your neck. Those children in Voronezh and Talavaya have little hope for a future right now. They need cheerleaders and a support system. And, although you blessed them with a visit, you just don’t know if you'll be able to go back anytime soon.

Have no fear. Even if you are many miles and several countries away, you can still provide opportunities for Eastern European children to escape the clutches of abandonment right here at home. And, we promise to be with you every step of the way. Here's how:

1. Choose a cause.

birthday parties

soccer balls and toys

summer camp


2. Choose an event type/advocacy.

start a AiYD chapter on your campus

host an all-night dance-athon

host an art show


give up coffee for a month

choose your own!


3. Sign up.

Sign up for how you want to help and we will be with you every step of the way to make it happen!
