Get Involved >>


We regularly have “packing parties” to pack boxes of donations to send to the countries we serve in. We need volunteers in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex to join us for these packing parties. 

If you’re not local or looking for other ways to volunteer, we’ve created a helpful list of ways to get you or your kids involved here!

We have a college preparatory tutoring program, too! If you’re a college student interested in getting more involved and taking the mission of orphan care to your college campus, contact us!

Volunteer Hours

Fall & Spring School schedule:  2nd and 4th Sundays (except holiday weekends) 2 pm - 4 pm and Tuesdays 9 am - 12 pm. 

Summer schedule: Tuesdays and Wednesdays 9 am - 12 pm.

*We reserve the right to conduct background checks on every volunteer for the safety of our staff and others involved.



Personal & Contact Information








Occupation/Work Place:

Emergency Contact Person:



List any languages other than English in which you are fluent:

What else would you like us to know about you? (200 character limit)

Volunteer Interest

How did you first hear about AiYD?

What made you want to volunteer for AiYD?

Please list any relevant volunteer experience:
Organization Activity / Role

Please list the skills and talents that you would like to use in a volunteer capacity:(400 character limit)  

We have lots of ways for you to get involved here in the U.S. and abroad! Please check any and all activities you would be interested in doing for Allies in Youth Development.

Do you have any ideas about new programming?

Please indicate the approximate number of hours you would like to commit: (Per week, month, or year)

Please indicate the days and times you are most available for volunteer activities: (Sunday - Saturday, Morning, Afternoon, Evening)

I understand that any photos taken of my while volunteering may be used for Allies in Youth Development�s marketing, social media or other promotional material.

Other Comments or Questions: (200 character limit)

Just for Fun

What is your favorite color?

What is your favorite candy?

What is your favorite restaurant?

What is your favorite holiday?