A Day of Gratitude at Tankids Home in Tanzania

We enjoyed a heartwarming day with the children from Tankids Home in Gongo la Mboto, Tanzania. The lesson on health and wellness truly captivated the young minds, especially with the presence of Doctor Nuhu and fitness mentor, Jackson.

The kids showcased a remarkable level of interest in the lesson, actively participating in each stage and sharing their insights throughout. Overall, the instruction underscored the pivotal importance of physical activity in safeguarding one's body. Additionally, they absorbed valuable lessons about the consequences of neglecting exercise and the significance of nurturing their health, particularly during their formative years.

The session culminated in a diverse array of sporting activities, encompassing engaging puzzle-based guessing games, the spirited spoon race, and various other enjoyable games. Every victorious participant was rewarded with tokens of appreciation for their wholehearted involvement in these activities. It was a day brimming with high spirits and deep satisfaction.

Jackson, a dedicated mentor and a computer engineering student, has a story that resonates with determination. Overcoming personal financial obstacles to pursue his education, he's become an embodiment of perseverance. But it's not just his academic excellence that stands out. His passion for health and wellness has made him an inspiring figure to the children. Reflecting on his experience, Jackson was deeply touched by the children's eagerness to learn, emphasizing how their active participation amplified the day's success.



Child's Voice: Aneth's Story of Resilience

Aneth's journey, from the bustling streets of Gongo la Mboto to Tankids, is a testament to human spirit and resilience. Facing the heartache of the separation of her parents and the subsequent terminal illness of her mother around 5 years old, life presented challenges most can't fathom. Her mother and Aneth were both involved in small-scale business, but their income was often insufficient to meet their basic needs, including food and healthcare, especially during times of illness that required medical assistance.

Life was tough for them, even though they managed to have enough to eat most days.

When Aneth turned 8, her mother fell seriously and shortly passed away, leaving Aneth orphaned.

Aneth was unable to read or write and faced many struggles, which included selling fruits on the streets at a young age just after losing her mother. Her aunt, who already had a lot of children and couldn’t support her too, enrolled Aneth at Tankids Home.

Now, as a student in the Tanzanian education system and a child of Allies, Aneth is blossoming. With gratitude, she sees the center not just as a haven but as a launchpad for her dreams. Additionally, the Allies program has gifted her with numerous skills, further fortifying her journey towards success.

The presence of dedicated programs not only provide refuge but offer an environment where dreams can be nurtured. Allies can come alongside programs like this to realize an enormous positive impact in a child’s life. We're thankful to donors and volunteers for their unwavering support in shaping the future of these precious children. Your contributions are crafting stories of hope and resilience every single day.