Life is Sweet When You See the World & Help Children

Greetings from Eastern Europe!

I (Chris) am still over in Eastern Europe, reliving some precious memories with our college students in Eastern Europe and prepping for our next trip to Moldova. We had the joy of visiting a toy maker's house, Sugar Plantation, and the house of Pushkin's cousin, as well many visits to Eastern European orphanages to play with the children. A Eastern European newspaper even did a story on us!

Three of our college students are back home, while a few of the others are remaining here to learn the Eastern European language. I'm joining in on their lessons and it's been fun for me to go to the grocery store and know what those scribbly lines mean!

If you want to see more pictures and follow along, make sure to "like" our Facebook page. We will have lots of updates there! Also, click on the photo below - it'll take you to a video of some kids dancing!

Thank you for your support! You are making children's dreams and hopes come alive.

Click the photo to watch these kids in action!