Inspiration from an Orphan with Disability

We commit ourselves to giving our time to and sharing our knowledge with underprivileged kids and orphans. We want to serve them wholeheartedly because we know how sad and difficult their lives are without a real home and family. However, most of the time, after each of our visits to orphanages and spending time with these children, it is we who get so much in return.

The smiles, hugs, laughter, trust, friendship, and happiness that we get from these children are simply priceless. They make us realize that we don’t always need a reason to be happy. Sometimes, just being alive and in the moment is already something to be thankful for. Indeed, what Jesus tells us remains true always — it is more blessed to give than to receive.

This is why we’re always excited to visit the orphans and spend time with them. Last week, we paid a visit to Anenius Noah orphanage in the city of Kishinev. We had mixed feelings when we arrived. This is because a few of the orphans we met and made friends with before have already left the orphanage. We were happy that they are now living with a foster family, but at the same time, we were upset that some of our friends were gone.

We met new people and made new friends. One of the interesting children we talked to was David – a seven-year old with a disability. We immediately noticed he only had 2 fingers on his right hand, and he had one prosthetic leg. Apparently, David was born without a right leg and an underdeveloped right hand, along with some other health problems. Because of this, he had to undergo several very complex operations immediately after birth.

As we continued to communicate with him, we learned that he didn’t get the chance to meet his mother, because she left him at the hospital and never returned. Until the age of 7 he grew up in a specialized center in Chisinau, and then was later transferred to the Anenius Noah orphanage.

David is now preparing to go to first grade. He is a very interesting and witty boy. Despite his disabilities, he is very active, helpful, and cheerful. Our visit and time with David left us full of appreciation and joy! We were so amazed at his presence and courage to face life at full speed depsite his disabilities. Children like him inspire us to look at the brighter side of life and not be hindered by obstacles that come our way, or our present circumstances.

Along with David, we spent time to get to know other children in the orphanage. We talked to them, played games, and sang songs with them. Afterwards, we told and discussed the story of Daniel. In a meaningful conversation, we shared the importance of acting honestly and being a person with a holistic character. Before we left, we gave out treats to everyone and wished them a successful new school year.

Experiences like this make our hearts full. Knowing that we were able to make less fortunate children smile even for a short time inspires us to continue doing this for other orphans around the world.


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