Doubling Our Monthly Givers

Orphanage songs

Nadia leads the children in a few songs at one of the orphanages.

As you can see, Allies has doubled quite a few things! We have doubled our staff in Eastern Europe, the number of areas we work in, and doubled countries where we have a presence. We believe the numbers of orphans and volunteers will greatly increase as well. With this new progress, we are on a mission to fund this growth and we need your help with a goal to double the number of monthly givers to 100. Giving monthly can do many things. Here are some examples of what your generosity can do for the orphans and in-country volunteers:

  • $15 a month provides birthday gifts for 2 orphans (gives our volunteers and program a "foot in the door," not just anyone is allowed into the orphanage system)
  • $25 a month provides 4 in-country volunteers with transport to the orphanages (return visits communicate consistency and trust to the children as well as commitment to the volunteers)
  • $50 a month sponsors 1 child, giving them all of the benefits of our program (having "life skills" training helps them to make the transition to a normal productive life)
  • $125 a month sends a 44-pound box of donated goods (warm clothing will help them survive this season but involvement in our program will help them survive reentering society)

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