Ukraine Update March 16: 4,885 kilometers

3/16/22 - A report from our people in Kremenchug: Hello and thank you for continuing to pray and support our ministry. Right now I and several other brothers are helping to evacuate people from the hot spots in Kremenchug. We have transported up to 50 people this way over the past few days.

The road takes 6-8 hours one way, but God is good. He keeps us and gives us strength. In these two weeks I have already traveled 4,885 kilometers.

Pray that the people we evacuated will be able to get settled in Kremenchug, find housing, and most importantly, that they will find Jesus.

We had another trip to the center near Criuleni. We brought food, personal hygiene products, washing powder, etc. We talked to several families and then prayed with them. We also met several children. Karina is the youngest of them. You should have seen Karina's eyes when we took the toy out of the bag and handed it to her. Her enthusiastic voice was heard throughout the Center: “Mommy, look at that bunny! It's a BUNNY, Mommy!"

I looked at Karina and thought that it was not in vain that Christ said: "Be like children." It’s not really how little a person needs for happiness: to have a mother nearby, a peaceful sky and a bunny.

Thank you again Allies for your support!