Perlynka Teens Empowered Through Training

Youth education and empowerment is at the core of our work in Eastern Europe. It is especially vital for teens in orphanages to feel that they are equipped with know-how and skills that can help them lead healthy, productive lives as adults.

In Perlynka, the Allies volunteer team arranged for a 3-day training called “Lessons of Independence.” Held at a recreational center in the village of Petrovo, the intensive seminar focused on topics relevant to the young participants’ psychological development. At the helm was Victoria K., an experienced psychologist and life coach.

Across three days, the teenagers were introduced to a comprehensive range of topics: spheres of personality (“Who Am I?), hygiene, health and nutrition, budget management, communication, conflict resolution, sexuality, family, dangers of substance abuse, and choosing a profession. To keep the teens engaged, special games and cognitive tasks were designed for each topic.

Time was also allotted for free conversation and snack breaks – even swimming and football! The teenagers seemed to enjoy the training and everything they were learning. Olya, 16, is an avid sports lover and loves to hang out with her friends. She found the topics incredibly helpful, especially for people her age.

“I was fascinated by it all, and had fun passing various personality tests,” Olya said. “It was so interesting to learn about building relationships, resolving conflicting and creating a happy family.”

As long as there are youth like Olya, we will remain resolute in our mission to uplift, educate and empower orphaned children and teens in Eastern Europe. We are thankful to receive support from friends and partners that enable us to share God’s love and hope with those who need it most.