Your support quickly provided relief. Allies has more than a dozen area leaders and numerous volunteers in Ukraine, as well as leaders and volunteers in the surrounding countries who continue to risk their lives daily despite shelling and occupation.
Dr.Tatiana Baeva | Director of International Operations
Your Support Quickly Provided Relief

Our area leader, Sergei, and volunteers in Krivoy Rog, Ukraine continue to visit orphans during the conflict. Sergeitold us they had to drive around the fighting through different villages and fields to get to this orphanage.
We cannot say thank you enough for all of your support through prayers and donations immediately after the war broke out in Ukraine. As of today, you’ve donated more than $108,000 to provide aid during this very trying time.
Allies has more than a dozen area leaders and numerous volunteers in Ukraine, as well as leaders and volunteers in the surrounding countries. Stories of tears and heartache have flooded in as Ukrainians rushed to escape the war, driving as fast as they could, or crossing the border on foot — women leaving their husbands as they stayed behind to fight, praying they will be reunited soon. We’ve also received reports of God’s faithfulness and the dedication of many heroes in the middle of this tragedy.
We have absolutely amazing people working overseas — including area leaders and volunteers still making visits to orphanages in Ukraine. They still show up, comfort the children, and provide needed supplies. Pastor Vasile and his wife, Nadya, are area leaders in Moldova and have been going to many refugee centers to deliver groceries and medicine, while offering hugs and prayers. He shared that one pastor from Kharkov, Ukraine asked for help to buy groceries since the stores have less and less in stock each day. They filled the trunk with food and delivered it to him. “I hugged him, and started to pray, and he cried.
We prayed, and he hugged me tight and would not let me go,” Pastor Vasile wrote. “Thank you so much to you and Allies for your sacrifice, generosity, prayers, and support!”

Pastor Vasile during just one of the trips to take supplies to a refugee center in Moldova, where many Ukrainians fled to or stopped for rest on their way to other countries
This is a difficult time for orphans in Russia as well. Our main focus at Allies is to care for orphans no matter the politics of the world, and we will always work hard to help as many children as we can. Thank you for partnering with us as we do what we can for Ukraine and as we carry on our usual work around the world.
Please continue to pray for Ukraine, our area leaders, volunteers, their families, and the orphans there. We are doing what we can to send your donations directly to support those in Ukraine and to others who are helping refugees, and we will continue to let you know how we’re using your funds. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
You Change Lives Through Summer Camps
Orphans Hear Gospel, Have Outdoor Fun
Chris Burgin | Founder and CEO
Because of you, Allies sent over 1,000 orphans to summer camp in 2021! We know this can be a life-changing time for these children, and with your help, we can double that number this year. Do you remember going to summer camp as a child?
Do you have fond memories of time around the campfire, playing games with friends, or swimming in a lake? If you hold special memories like these, can you imagine what that experience means for an orphan?
For an orphan who spends years in an orphanage or a child who lives in a dysfunctional family — summer camp is a huge blessing and provides some relief from their difficult lives.

One of many pictures of smiling children at a summer camp where they have fun, but also hear about God’s love for them.
And it’s not just fun and games at camp. Many children are hearing the Gospel for the first time and are making a decision to follow Jesus Christ. They are also feeling love and care in a way they haven’t always received from those who should have loved them.

Two teens at a past summer camp in Voronezh, where they learned how to make bracelets that can be used in an emergency. One bracelet can hold more than 20 yards of rope!
YOU are providing all of this for orphans and children from families in crisis. YOU put smiles on their faces. YOU make it possible for them to have special memories they will have for the rest of their lives. YOU introduce them to Jesus.
Thank you for all the children you’ve sent to summer camp in the past and for the ones your support will send in the future. Thank you for expanding this area of Allies and showing love to children around the world!
April is National Volunteer Month
Volunteers are Blessed in Serving Others
Heather Dunnaville | Staff Writer
“Volunteers don’t get paid — not because they are worthless, but because they are priceless.” - Sherry Anderson
We think this is a great time to show our appreciation to all our volunteers, in the United States and abroad, who work so hard and give of themselves to serve orphans and others in need.
National Volunteer Month was created to honor volunteers in the community as well as encourage volunteerism throughout the month. Allies is definitely blessed with an abundance of people who understand the value in serving others. They care for orphans through orphanage visits or packing boxes in the Allies warehouse in Texas to be shipped overseas to the orphanages.
We are so grateful to each and every one of you for your time, energy, and love for others. Thank you for all you do and may God bless you for answering His call to be a servant! If you would like more information on volunteering, go to

This is our faithful group of Tuesday morning Allies volunteers in Mansfield, Texas. They sort donations, organize them, then pack the boxes that are shipped to orphanages.

A volunteer with an orphan in Ukraine. Visits like these are part of the Allies Mentoring Program where volunteers develop friendships with orphans, teach them life skills, offer support, and encouragement.

Other local organizations, school groups, church groups, and families also stop by for warehouse visits in Mansfield where they learn about Allies and pack boxes. This family was part of Community Outreach Day with Walnut Ridge Baptist Church.
Volunteer Opportunities
- Tuesdays 9am to 12pm
- Sundays 2pm to 4pm (closed on 1st Sundays of the month)
To schedule a volunteer session, go to to fill out an application.
Your Impact Reaches Tanzania
Heather Dunnaville | Staff Writer
Did you know Allies has been working in Africa?
Thanks to you, Allies began work in Tanzania by helping finish a church building in a village there. Led by Pastor Jeremiah, the church has developed outreach programs to the needy — including orphans, street children, and widows. Allies gives hope to the orphans there, most recently by providing them with a Christmas celebration and school supplies. Without your help, some of those orphans would have missed classes without the proper materials. The church also held a wonderful New Year’s celebration where 15 new believers were baptized.
“We thank God for this great work,” Pastor Jeremiah said. “Thank you for your support which makes new life possible!”

You sent orphans in Tanzania much needed school supplies. Your support also helped build a church that is a place for the Gospel to be preached and outreach programs in their village.
We look forward to sharing more of your impact in Tanzania through the vital work Pastor Jeremiah is doing in his community. “My friends, I know my words are not enough to express how your support is very strong to us!” Pastor Jeremiah said. Thank you for spreading the love to Tanzania!
Meet Shannon Fagan
We’d like to introduce our newest staff member, Shannon Fagan, who recently joined the Donor Development team. Shannon worked in business development for over 16 years, but is excited to work for Allies because she, like you, wants to help others. Born and raised in Oklahoma, she went on to earn a B.S. in psychology from Northeastern State University. Shannon has a grown daughter and one grandbaby, and lives in Waxahachie with her dog, Cowboy. She attends First United Methodist Church in Waxahachie.
Shannon looks forward to connecting with you and is available if you have any questions about Allies or prayer requests. You can contact her by phone at (214) 949-5710 or by e-mail at
We have a NEW brochure about our tutoring programs and orphans finding success in school and careers, thanks to you! We’d be happy to mail you a FREE copy. Call us at (682) 400-8218 or e-mail us at to request yours today!