The Power of Connection: A Day at Aime ton Prochain Orphanage That Changed Lives

How Your Support Shaped a Transformative Day

At the Aime ton Prochain Orphanage in Tiébissou, Ivory Coast, your generous contributions helped facilitate an unforgettable experience for both the children and volunteers. The day’s lesson, titled "What Kind of Person Am I?", became a touchstone for sincere self-expression, the healing power of words, and a lesson in character development.

The Moments That Make a Difference

The session started off on a reverent note with a prayer, followed by an ice-breaking exercise that allowed each child to introduce themselves. As donors, it’s moments like these where you see your impact — the pure, simple joy of a child feeling heard and seen for who they are. 

As we moved through the session, exploring their future career aspirations and delving into discussions about good and bad character traits, it became evident how pivotal these kinds of activities are. We then discussed the heart as the source of all characters and attitudes. The climax of the day was undoubtedly the emotional outpouring of apologies and forgiveness among the kids, punctuated by phrases like "I am sorry" and "I forgive you."

Enock’s Story

Enock, the 17-year-old son of the Social Affairs Regional Director, joined us, captivated by our mission for the day. Working with these orphans spur on moments of self-reflection for young men and women like Enock. In his own words, the session inspired him to apologize to his father for recent hardships he had caused — an unexpected but welcome ripple effect of our work with these children.

Lessons in Humility and Forgiveness: Affoué's Story

One of the most touching stories of the day was that of Affoué, a young resident at the orphanage. Her simple yet impactful apology to the wife of the orphanage director for neglecting her chores the day before made the room fall silent. Another child courageously apologized for a false accusation against her roommate, making a public commitment to never repeat her mistake. These were life lessons unfolding right before our eyes.

Your Giving Matters

When one embarks on a mission of kindness, it creates moments of joy and thoughtfulness for all involved. Days like this remind us of why our work with orphans is so crucial, and they wouldn't have been possible without you. Your generous donations create spaces for healing, growth, and the development of character for these young minds. You are not just contributing financially; you are investing in the betterment of lives and facilitating heartwarming stories of transformation. Thank you for being a part of this awe-inspiring journey.