New Sponsorships are Turning Their World Upside-Down! We invite you to partner with us!
Dr.Tatiana Baeva | Director of International Operations
Have you heard about our NEW sponsorship program? This is something we have wanted to make available for a long time, and we’re so excited that it’s finally a reality! This is yet another area of growth that is only possible because of your partnership.

Our pilot sponsorship program is starting with children in the Q’eros community in the Andes Mountains of Peru. You supplied 500 pairs of boots for this same group of children at the end of 2023.
You might be wondering — why would Allies step into this community to help? Because they may not survive if someone doesn’t do something. We have mentioned before that the child mortality rate in this community is 35 percent. When Allies volunteers began visiting the Q’eros, the children were malnourished and in desperate need of medical care. But you can change those statistics.
For $50 a month, you provide basic necessities for a child including nutritious food, hygiene items, and school supplies. But sponsorship is so much more than just physical needs. It is a beacon of hope for a brighter future. Consider that these children speak an ancient language and have had very little education. Many of the girls become mothers as young as 15 years old.
The level of poverty in this community requires more than just monthly visits from Allies mentors. Meeting daily needs through the sponsorship program combined with the Allies Mentoring Program is a recipe for transformed lives.
Donors like you have already made an impact on education in this community by recently building its first library. Allies volunteers in Peru collected Spanish books for the library shelves, and sponsored children now have a place to further their education.
There are also immediate blessings for you! Through this sponsorship program, you will have direct communication from your sponsored child. You will receive monthly updates on how your sponsorship helps your child along with letters and pictures from Peru. You can give these children hope, show them God’s love, and inspire them to be valuable in society.
I hope you will join the sponsorship program and witness the direct impact you can have on a child’s life. As a sponsor myself, I could not be happier to witness the change for one child. Learn more at www.alliesyouth.org/sponsor
You Get Two Thumbs
Up from Children
Around the World
Here’s a Sample of Your Impact
Shoes Bring Smiles in Peru
You’re turning their world upside-down — in a good way! You’re sending these children in Peru the Allies Mentoring Program along with necessities like brand new shoes they recently received. These shoes were some of the 500 pairs donated by Shaquille O’Neal during last year’s Color Their World banquet in Mansfield.
You are Star Volunteers
We have an amazing community with so many of you who donate your time and energy in the Allies warehouse throughout the year. Whether you volunteer weekly, monthly, quarterly, or even once — we appreciate you!
You Bless Orphans with Your Talents
Orphans in Romania recently received handmade quilts from faithful ladies in Texas. Thank you for showing orphans they are loved through the work of your hands!
Orphans Learn Computer Skills
These orphans in Tanzania had an introduction to computers and Microsoft Word through their Allies mentors. Thank you for teaching vulnerable children valuable skills that will help them be successful in the future.
You’re Giving Children the Tools They Need
In other parts of the world, it’s the beginning of the school year. You’re making sure children in the Allies Mentoring Program, like these girls in the Philippines, have the school supplies they need to start off the year right.
Summer Camp Campaign Still Going Strong
Give yourself a round of applause because you’re sending more than 1,800 orphans and disadvantaged children to camp! Thank you to everyone who gave! Did you know there are several locations in the southern hemisphere where camps take place later in the year? If you haven’t given yet, it’s not too late to help us reach our stretch goal of sending 2,500 children to camp by the end of 2024.

It’s almost time for Color Their World! Mark your calendars for Sunday, September 22 at Walnut Ridge Baptist Church in Mansfield or Sunday, October 20 at Venture Church in Keller. Color Their World is a night to celebrate all that you are doing for orphans around the world! You will receive updates on the latest developments and hear the vision to help more children in the future.
This is a FREE event with a short program, dinner, and a live auction. Also joining us will be guest speaker Jonathan Evans who is a mentor, author, speaker, and former NFL player. A Dallas resident, Mr. Evans serves with his pastor, friend, and father, Dr. Tony Evans, in the local church and the national ministry. He graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary with a master’s degree in Christian leadership and serves as the chaplain of the Dallas Cowboys and co-chaplain of the Dallas Mavericks.
If you’re interested in sponsoring these events or being a table host at either banquet, contact Debbie Neal at debbie@alliesyouth.org. For our supporters who do not live in the local Dallas-Fort Worth area but don’t want to miss the action, the Mansfield event will be livestreamed. Keep an eye out on our website for more information coming soon.
Register on Banquet Page
Do you have any questions about Allies
or want to learn about other ways you
can get involved to serve orphans?
Rebecca Williams is one of our partnership engagement team members who would
love to talk with you! You can reach
Rebecca at (817) 614-0949 or by e-mail
at rebecca@alliesyouth.org.
Saving Lives through Legacy Giving
Have you remembered Allies in your will?
You can leave a legacy gift to change
and save the lives of orphans through
an estate or planned gift to Allies by
contacting Karen Yarbrough
at (817) 714-6821.