Trusting in Life Choices

Recently Allies was able to make a visit to an orphanage that had previously been postponed twice. Volunteers prepared several activities that revolved around the theme, "Life Choices."

The idea behind the theme and the stories shared were to help the kids at the facility become more aware of their own strengths and weaknesses, and also inform them of how they can take advantage of their own unique personalities and gifts when they make big decisions.

One activity was to list both the good and bad things about your character and explain how you could "convert" it into something personally beneficial. There was also a trust-building activity. A partner would close their eyes and put their hand on the others' shoulder while the second person would lead them through a room. The leader would have to navigate the partner through furniture, obstacles, etc. After the first run through the room, the partners would switch. The kids had plenty of thoughts to share on the exercises after they were finished and enjoyed tea and snacks at the end of the visit.

Yura, who was a member of an orphanage not long ago, helped with the kids in the exercises. He made great connections with the kids involved and was a big help in arranging the activities. He's doing really well in school and is majoring in theology.



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