Children and Teens Flock to Youth Camps

Youth camps provide an opportunity for children and teens to learn together and from each other, at the same time making spaces for play and creativity. Our volunteer teams in Alexandria and Maykop thoughtfully prepared and carried out camps for the orphanages in their areas, shedding light on different subjects and engaging the children and teens in worthwhile activities.

The camp for the Perlynka children lasted for ten days. Every morning would start off with fun physical exercises, dances and creative activities that changed from day to day. The children were split up into different teams and asked to come up with their own name, motto and even a song! Everyone participated with great enthusiasm, especially during the nightly performances, when the teams got to showcase their singing and dancing skills.

The recreational activities were balanced out with Bible study lessons and conversations about topics that fit the children’s interests.

Over in Maykop, the youth camp drew more than 200 participants, consisting of three groups: the “Children Stream” (6-10 years old), the “Teen Stream” (11-15 years old) and the “Youth Stream” (16-22 years old). Eight of the children came from foster families, who would not have been able to attend had it not been for the assistance extended by Allies partners.

The youth camp is a much-anticipated event among the youth in Maykop, as it fosters friendships in a safe and welcoming environment. The participants are given every opportunity to show others their talents and skills, which in turn empowers and inspires. They are also taught valuable life lessons, particularly how to make right choices in various situations.

“The program was interesting and the children were nice,” Serezha, 14, said. “I especially I liked the sports and games, riding on cableway, archery and table tennis. Thank you for the opportunity!"

Some of the children took a bit longer to warm up to others, but eventually, God’s grace put their hearts at ease.

“At the beginning, the children, mostly the girls, were shy and only socialized with each other,” Juliya, a camp volunteer, reported. “Towards the middle of the camp, they became friendlier and I could feel they trusted me more. I invited them to come to our church. It was heartening to see them during youth fellowship, and I could tell they were comfortable and no longer lonely. I hope they can become part of our team and become mentors at next year’s camp.”

Helping organize youth camps for the orphanages is an initiative we consider vital to our mission of empowering Eastern European children and teens. With your support and prayers, we can further our mission and bring more youth closer to fulfilling their God-given potential.