Transformative Experiences at Lake Issyk-Kul Camp

Hello, my name is Turusbayeva, and I am a dedicated volunteer serving at the orphanage in Talas, Kyrgyzstan. With the unwavering support of Allies, we strive to bring joy and smiles to the children's faces. Recently, we organized our first trip to the Lake Issyk-Kul camp, a challenging yet profoundly rewarding experience.

During the camp, I noticed a young girl named Sezimai sitting alone on the shore, watching the other children play. Sensing her solitude, I joined her, and we sat in silence until she felt comfortable enough to share her story. Sezimai spoke of her parents' divorce, her mother working in Russia, and the longing she felt for her mother's presence despite receiving calls and money from her.

Moved by her story, I shared my own experiences of losing my mother at a young age and the challenges I faced growing up. This led to a heartfelt conversation about love, family, and faith. I introduced her to the story of Jesus Christ, which brought her a sense of peace and understanding. The next day, Sezimai smiled more and, along with another boy, accepted Jesus Christ into their lives. The entire camp rejoiced at this unexpected yet joyful turn of events.

The camp's director, Aygul, headmistress Inayat, and teacher Mahabat were deeply moved by the children's acceptance of faith. Despite the bus driver's reluctance to engage with us, we continued to pray for him, hoping for a change of heart. The children's enthusiasm was so great that they expressed a desire to extend their stay at the camp.

This experience at Lake Issyk-Kul camp not only impacted Sezimai and the other children but also taught me invaluable lessons about love, faith, and the power of shared connections. I am profoundly grateful for the opportunity to serve and make a difference in the lives of these children.