Tanya's Journey: A Camp of Unexpected Blessings

My name is Tanya, and I was thrilled to become a volunteer at an Allies camp. The idea of camp was unexpected to me, but I believed it was truly from God. Everything seemed to fall into place perfectly—doors opened, friends in Sweden found a base, sponsors provided food, and the ferry offered us free tickets. The only challenge was transportation to Poland, but with patience and faith, we managed to gather the necessary funds bit by bit.

The goal of our camp was to provide a much-needed break for children of single parents, including those of servicemen, deceased individuals, and half-orphans. We carefully planned the program, focusing on important topics to support the children. However, it wasn’t until the ferry ride that I fully grasped the significance of the camp for these children. Witnessing their trauma and emotional wounds, I realized how vital it was for them to be in a safe and accepting environment, surrounded by other children and believers.

One child in particular, Bohdan, a 14-year-old boy, had not smiled genuinely in four years. He lost his father, a policeman, who died suddenly from COVID, and the grief caused Bohdan to withdraw from life. He stopped communicating with friends and even lost contact with his sister. The relationship between his mother and her in-laws deteriorated, leading Bohdan and his mother to move to a new city, away from family, to start fresh in a rented apartment.

Bohdan faced further challenges during the war, having to move again. His mother worked tirelessly to support them both, eventually finding solace in the church. However, Bohdan remained withdrawn, friendless, and refused to leave the house, even for school. His mother agreed to send him to our camp without consulting him, hoping it might help. A month before the camp, Bohdan attended a church service to meet us. During that service, he accepted Jesus into his heart, and later, he underwent baptism, expressing his desire to follow Jesus.

At the camp, Bohdan transformed before our eyes. Initially quiet and reserved, by the end of the second day, he was playing soccer, smiling, and dancing joyfully. Seeing Bohdan and the other children, despite their past traumas, offer their first genuine smiles and hugs was deeply moving for all of us. Their resilience reminded us of the importance of providing a safe, accepting environment where they can heal and flourish.

Your support helps us continue to provide these life-changing experiences for children like Bohdan. Together, we can create safe spaces where young lives are transformed and hope is restored. Thank you for your continued dedication to our mission.