Mariana's Dedication and Community Support Bring Joy to Children in Need

Mariana's selfless dedication to serving at Casa Dabar in Costa Rica is truly inspiring. Her efforts, along with the support from her community and the local baker, have brought joy and happiness to the children in need. Their kindness and generosity show the impact that each individual can make in transforming lives and creating memorable experiences for those less fortunate. The children at Casa Dabar, especially those from struggling families, greatly benefit from the care and attention they receive on Saturdays. Through activities, food, and special treats, these kids are able to forget their worries and simply enjoy being children.

The support from volunteers like Mariana and community members like the baker makes a significant impact on the lives of these vulnerable children, giving them hope for a brighter future. As we continue our mission to reach more children in need, we are grateful for individuals like Mariana and the baker who exemplify the spirit of compassion and generosity. Every effort, no matter how small, plays a vital role in creating a joy-filled experience for these children. Together, we can make a difference and bring happiness to those who need it most. Thank you to all our donors and volunteers for their invaluable support.