All Children Are Gifts from God!

All children are a gift from the Lord, and they deserve to be valued, cared for and loved. Unfortunately, for orphans, this is a rare reality. Their situation makes them incredibly lonely and creates an intense hunger for attention, more so when they have special needs.

In Bryansk, many of the orphans suffer from developmental disabilities and heart problems, posing additional challenges for the Allies volunteer team to coordinate visits and prepare appropriate programs. But the children, varying in ages, are easily excited by visitors. They openly express their love and gratitude.

This does not deter the volunteers from returning their affection, giving out warm hugs and giving gifts and toys whenever they can. There are times the gifts end up broken or lost for one reason or another, but God faithfully provides. The continuous flow of donations from Allies partners and friends keeps our volunteer team adequately prepared.

“I was glad to go this time again. I could really spend quality time with everyone,” Blaycklee shared. “The orphans are good-natured and happy, and you would not think that their life is so hard. They are like any other children: they like to play, to be outside, talk to people. They argue, get angry, cry, feel envious. Of course, God loves all of them, and they are beautiful the way they are.”

Knowing that there are children with special needs among the many orphans in Eastern Europe, we feel the pressing urge for more nuanced programs and assistance. Your help allows us to expand our reach and envision bigger goals for our God-given mission.